On June 13, 2024, students and faculty from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) visited Weston Robot in Singapore for the second time, following their initial visit in 2023. This return visit underscores the growing collaboration between VIT and Weston Robot, reflecting a mutual commitment to advancing robotics education and innovation. The delegation, led by Dr. Sainu Franco, was eager to build upon the knowledge gained during their first visit and explore the latest developments in robotics technology. The visit began with a warm welcome from Weston Robot’s team, who expressed their excitement about the ongoing partnership and the opportunity to share their latest advancements.
Dr. Zhang, a distinguished robotics expert at Weston Robot, delivered a comprehensive presentation on recent advances in robotics, focusing on applications in facility management, transportation, and utility sectors. He highlighted how robotic technologies are revolutionizing these fields by enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving safety. In facility management, Dr. Zhang showcased autonomous cleaning robots capable of operating in large commercial spaces with minimal human intervention. He also discussed the deployment of surveillance robots equipped with AI for security purposes. These robots are designed to navigate complex environments, detect anomalies, and alert human operators, thereby enhancing the overall security and maintenance of facilities.
For the transportation sector, Dr. Zhang presented the latest developments in autonomous vehicles and drones, which are poised to transform logistics and delivery services. He explained how these technologies are being tested and implemented in urban settings to streamline transportation networks, reduce traffic congestion, and improve delivery times. In the utility sector, Dr. Zhang showcased robots designed for the inspection and maintenance of critical infrastructure, such as pipelines and power grids. These robots, equipped with advanced sensors and AI, can perform complex tasks in hazardous environments, reducing the need for human intervention and minimizing the risk of accidents. The visit concluded with an engaging Q&A session, where VIT students eagerly interacted with Dr. Zhang, discussing potential research collaborations and internships, and expressing their enthusiasm for future innovations in robotics.
- 03-01On March 1st, 2025, Weston Robot showcased its cutting-edge robotic technologies at the NTU Open House, featuring the robot dog GO2 and the humanoid robot G1. The demonstration aligned with Nanyang Technological University’s introduction of its new four-year undergraduate robotics bachelor program, aiming to provide prospective students with insights into the rapidly evolving robotics industry. Many parents and students expressed strong enthusiasm for the program, recognizing the increasing demand for robotics expertise. The event highlighted NTU’s commitment to fostering future innovators, while Weston Robot’s advanced robotics solutions illustrated real-world applications, inspiring the next generation of engineers and researchers.
- 02-23
大连理工大学国奖得主2025年2月来Weston Robot学习机器人技术
2025年2月,大连理工大学的国家奖学金获得者来到Weston Robot学习先进的机器人技术。在此次学习交流中,他深入了解了机器人感知、导航及智能控制等核心技术,并参与了机器人系统的实际操作与测试。Weston Robot为其提供了丰富的实践机会,使其在自主机器人领域获得了宝贵的经验。本次学习不仅加深了他对智能机器人技术的理解,也为未来的科研与产业应用奠定了坚实基础。 - 02-22
大连理工大学经管学院师生参观 Weston Robot公司
大连理工大学经济管理学院师生参观Weston Robot公司,深入了解机器人产业的前沿技术、市场趋势及投资机会。在交流过程中,师生们与Weston Robot的专家团队探讨了机器人行业的发展现状、商业化应用及未来职业发展路径。此外,双方还就机器人技术如何推动经济增长、企业如何制定有效的投资策略等议题展开了深入讨论。本次参观让师生们对智能机器人行业有了更清晰的认知,为未来的学术研究和职业规划提供了宝贵的参考。
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