- 03-01
On March 1st, 2025, Weston Robot showcased its cutting-edge robotic technologies at the NTU Open House, featuring the robot dog GO2 and the humanoid robot G1. The demonstration aligned with Nanyang Technological University’s introduction of its new four-year undergraduate robotics bachelor program, aiming to provide prospective students with insights into the rapidly evolving robotics industry. Many parents and students expressed strong enthusiasm for the program, recognizing the increasing demand for robotics expertise. The event highlighted NTU’s commitment to fostering future innovators, while Weston Robot’s advanced robotics solutions illustrated real-world applications, inspiring the next generation of engineers and researchers. - 02-23
大连理工大学国奖得主2025年2月来Weston Robot学习机器人技术
2025年2月,大连理工大学的国家奖学金获得者来到Weston Robot学习先进的机器人技术。在此次学习交流中,他深入了解了机器人感知、导航及智能控制等核心技术,并参与了机器人系统的实际操作与测试。Weston Robot为其提供了丰富的实践机会,使其在自主机器人领域获得了宝贵的经验。本次学习不仅加深了他对智能机器人技术的理解,也为未来的科研与产业应用奠定了坚实基础。 - 02-22
大连理工大学经管学院师生参观 Weston Robot公司
大连理工大学经济管理学院师生参观Weston Robot公司,深入了解机器人产业的前沿技术、市场趋势及投资机会。在交流过程中,师生们与Weston Robot的专家团队探讨了机器人行业的发展现状、商业化应用及未来职业发展路径。此外,双方还就机器人技术如何推动经济增长、企业如何制定有效的投资策略等议题展开了深入讨论。本次参观让师生们对智能机器人行业有了更清晰的认知,为未来的学术研究和职业规划提供了宝贵的参考。 - 02-03
EF Education First Sends Their Students to Weston Robot
EF Education First has partnered with Weston Robot to offer students an immersive learning experience in deep tech, focusing on robotics and artificial intelligence (AI). This collaboration aims to equip students with cutting-edge skills and hands-on expertise in these transformative fields. Through Weston Robot's advanced training programs, EF students gain practical knowledge in AI algorithms, robotic systems, and automation technologies. The initiative underscores EF's commitment to fostering innovation and preparing the next generation for the future of work. By bridging education and industry, this partnership empowers students to excel in the rapidly evolving tech landscape. - 01-16
Design and Engineering Students from Cheongju University Visited Weston Robot
On 16th January 2025, design and engineering students from Cheongju University visited Weston Robot for an educational tour. The students explored cutting-edge robotic technologies, including modular robots, the Robot Dog GO2, and exoskeletons. They gained hands-on experience and learned about the practical applications of robotics in industries such as automation, healthcare, and security. The visit aimed to inspire innovation and broaden the students’ understanding of robotics, equipping them with valuable insights for their future careers in design and engineering. - 01-16
Weston Robot 与新加坡社科大学联合推出机器人研学
Weston Robot携手新加坡社会科学大学(SUSS)推出创新机器人研学项目,旨在为学生提供实践与理论结合的沉浸式学习体验。通过模块化机器人、机器人狗GO2及外骨骼的互动展示,学生能够了解机器人技术的核心原理与应用场景,激发对人工智能与自动化的兴趣。此项目致力于培养下一代科技领袖,为学生提供探索未来科技的独特机会。 - 01-14
大连理工大学白俄罗斯国立大学联合学院学生来Weston Robot学习机器人技术
大连理工大学白俄罗斯国立大学联合学院师生访问 Weston Robot 深入学习前沿机器人技术与生成式大模型。 - 01-11
大连理工大学研究生奖学金得主2025年1月来Weston Robot学习机器人技术
2025年,大连理工大学的学生参观了Weston Robot,深入学习机器人技术。此次学习之旅重点介绍了机器人在新加坡的实际应用,例如安保巡逻、设施管理和工业自动化。现场演示了仿人机器人G1、工业机器人狗B2以及其他先进系统,展现了它们的多功能性和尖端特性。此次参观为学生们提供了宝贵的学习机会,加深了对机器人如何改变各行业的理解,同时激发了他们探索创新解决方案的热情。 - 01-08
Cheongju University Students Learn Robots at Weston Robot
On 8 January 2025, students and faculty from Cheongju University, South Korea, visited Weston Robot for an immersive learning experience on robotics applications. The session included hands-on demonstrations of cutting-edge technologies like the Robot Dog GO2 and modular robotic systems, showcasing their use in various industries. Participants explored the practical integration of robotics in real-world scenarios, fostering innovation and collaboration. The visit highlighted Weston Robot’s commitment to advancing robotics education and inspiring the next generation of innovators. - 12-20
Weston Robot Partners with VIT-AP University for Research and Innovation Collaboration
Weston Robot has partnered with VIT-AP University through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster collaboration in research, innovation, and knowledge exchange. The agreement enables VIT-AP students to gain hands-on experience at Weston Robot, enhancing their technical skills and industry readiness. Key areas of collaboration include joint research, curriculum development, and hosting technology-focused events. Both parties aim to support startups, promote entrepreneurship, and address societal challenges like waste management through innovative solutions. This partnership bridges academia and industry, empowering future innovators while advancing sustainable technologies and reinforcing Weston Robot’s leadership in robotics - 12-08
大连理工大学师生参观 Weston Robot体验尖端机器人技术
2024年12月8日,大连理工大学的30名奖学金获得者和三位老师参观了 Weston Robot,开展了一次富有教育意义的研学活动。活动中,Weston Robot 展示了多款先进机器人,包括 Robot Dog B2-Wheel、GO2-Leg 和 Humanoid Robot G1。学生们认真聆听技术讲解,观看机器人演示,并积极与工程师交流,探讨机器人技术的实际应用和未来发展。此次活动不仅增强了学生们对机器人技术的理解,还展示了 Weston Robot 在机器人领域的领先地位,师生们对此次体验赞不绝口,并期待更多类似的学习机会。 - 10-23
Serangoon Garden Secondary School Students Visit Weston Robot for Educational Learning Journey
Weston Robot recently hosted students from Serangoon Garden Secondary School for an educational learning journey focused on robotics. The visit began with an introduction to the Modular Robot, a flexible system composed of reconfigurable modules designed to perform various robotic tasks. Students then experienced demonstrations of the Robot Dog – GO2, known for its agility and versatility, and the Exoskeleton, which enhances human performance in physically demanding tasks. Throughout the visit, students had the opportunity to operate the robots, providing a hands-on learning experience that sparked their interest in robotics and its future applications. - 10-18
Commonwealth Secondary School Students Embark on Educational Journey at Weston Robot
Weston Robot recently hosted an educational visit for students from Commonwealth Secondary School, offering them hands-on experience with advanced robotics technology. The students explored various innovative robots, including the Robot Dog GO2 and the Exoskeleton, gaining practical insights into their real-world applications. The Robot Dog GO2 demonstration showcased its versatility in security and industrial settings, while the Exoskeleton highlighted its role in enhancing human mobility. This interactive learning journey provided students with an inspiring introduction to the world of robotics, sparking interest in future careers and expanding their understanding of cutting-edge technologies. - 08-22
苏州中学的学生来Weston Robot学习交流
苏州中学学生来到Weston Robot进行学习交流,了解机器人技术如何应用于现实生活中并为人类带来便利。Weston Robot团队为他们讲解了机器人在多个领域的功能和用途。学生们还亲自体验了外骨骼设备,成功穿戴并提起重物。此次交流活动不仅扩展了学生们对机器人技术的认识,也激发了他们对科技创新的兴趣。 - 08-15
华中科技大学机械学院和Weston Robot的学习交流
华中科技大学机械学院的学生来到Weston Robot进行学习交流。在此期间,Weston Robot的张博士为学生们讲解了各种机器人产品的应用,并展示了外骨骼设备和GO2机器狗等先进技术。学生们不仅听取了讲解,还亲自体验了这些设备的操作。这次交流活动加深了学生们对机器人技术的了解,也为Weston Robot与学术界的合作创造了机会。 - 08-14
Greendale Secondary School Robot Learning Experience In Weston Robot
Students from Greendale Secondary School visited Weston Robot, where they learned about robotics through demonstrations of the GO2 robot dog and other robots. They gained hands-on experience controlling the robots and learned how they improve efficiency in various industries. The visit sparked their interest in robotics and its future potential. - 08-07
Gan Eng Seng Primary School Learning Robot at Weston Robot
Students from Gan Eng Seng Primary School visited Weston Robot for a hands-on robotics learning experience. They participated in a demonstration of the robot dog, GO2, and had the chance to control it. The students also explored other robots and tried on exoskeletons, which enhance human strength. The visit sparked their interest in robotics and its future applications. - 07-30
Punggol Cove Primary School Visits Weston Robot for Learning Robot
Punggol Cove Primary School students visited Weston Robot for an engaging educational tour. The highlight was the demonstration of DOG GO2, where students had the chance to control the robotic dog using voice commands, providing a hands-on experience with advanced robotics technology. Divided into groups, the students also explored other robots and learned how they are used in various industries. The interactive activities fostered collaboration and excitement among the students, making the tour both educational and enjoyable. The experience inspired them to think creatively about the future of robotics and automation. - 07-25
Weston Robot Hosts Anderson Secondary School Robotics Club
The visit of Anderson Secondary School robotics club to Weston Robot office was a success. The students learned a lot about robotics technology and its applications, and had a fun and engaging experience. Weston Robot was happy to host the students and share its expertise and passion for robotics. Weston Robot hopes to inspire more students to pursue robotics as a career and a hobby, and to foster a long-term collaboration with Anderson Secondary School robotics club. - 07-20
Jurongville Secondary School Learning Robots at Weston Robot
Jurongville Secondary School students had an enriching experience learning about robotics at Weston Robot. During their visit, Weston Robot engineers shared valuable insights on how to build a robot, covering essential concepts and techniques. They explored various robotics applications, broadening the students' understanding of the field. The engineers also conducted exciting demonstrations of advanced robotics, including robotic dogs, exoskeletons, and many other practical robots. These demonstrations captivated the students, showcasing the real-world potential of robotics technology. The visit provided the students with a hands-on learning opportunity, inspiring them to consider future careers in robotics and engineering. - 07-16
华中科技大学材料学院第二批学生来Weston Robot学习交流
华中科技大学材料系大一大二学生在李鑫教授带领下访问新加坡的Weston Robot公司。这是材料系的第二次访问,第一次在2023年。学生们与首席科学家张博士探讨了材料学在机器人领域的创新应用。此次交流不仅拓宽了学生视野,还促进了学术合作,为未来研究打下坚实基础。学生们了解了材料科学在机器人技术中的实际应用,对专业成长和科研能力提升大有帮助。此次交流为双方未来合作与发展开辟了新的道路,具有重要意义。 - 07-14
苏州工业园区青剑湖实验中学来新加坡Weston Robot交流
苏州工业园区青剑湖实验中学的学生和老师们近日访问了Weston Robot,进行了一次意义非凡的机器人技术交流学习之旅。这次活动旨在提升学生们对机器人技术的理解和应用能力,激发他们对科技创新的兴趣。在Weston Robot的指导下,学生们亲身体验了机器人编程、ChatGPT整合的全过程。通过实践,他们不仅学到了先进的机器人技术,还培养了团队合作和解决问题的能力。此次交流活动还包括参观Weston Robot的创新实验室,了解最新的机器人研发成果。学生们纷纷表示,这次体验让他们受益匪浅,开阔了视野,激发了他们对未来科技探索的热情。 - 06-13
Vellore Institute of Technology Visited Weston Robot Second Time
Students and faculty from Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) visited Weston Robot in Singapore for the second time. Dr. Zhang, a robotics expert, shared recent advances in robotics across facility management, transportation, and utility sectors. He highlighted autonomous cleaning robots, surveillance robots with AI, autonomous vehicles, drones for logistics, and robots for inspecting critical infrastructure. The visit concluded with an engaging Q&A session, fostering potential research collaborations and internships, strengthening the partnership between VIT and Weston Robot. - 04-30
IMDA Organizes Robotics Learning Journey at Weston Robot
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore have partnered with Weston Robot to host a robotics learning journey for students from Dunman High School, Lakeside Primary School, Xingnan Primary School, and Yishun Town Secondary School. This program aims to immerse students in the latest robotics technologies, enhancing their skills and knowledge in this advanced field. Such initiatives are vital in encouraging students to engage with STEM subjects and consider future careers in technology and engineering. By providing hands-on experiences with robotics, the program helps integrate technology-focused education into school curriculums, preparing students for the increasingly tech-driven global economy. - 02-08
Weston Robot Presents Robotics Dogs at Petrosains Discover Center
Petrosains Sdn Bhd’s Discovery Center, led by visionary teams, excels in merging future technologies with today’s challenges, making it a standout among global science centers. Its collaborative ethos, as highlighted by director Ts. Tajuddeen Abdul Majid, fosters innovation among Malaysia's youth. Weston Robot proudly contributes to this endeavor with our robotics technologies. - 01-31
Weston Robot Host Students from Suzhou Jinji Lake School
Students from Jinji Lake School in the Suzhou Industrial Park visited Weston Robot, receiving an educational session on robotics. Their visit, marked by a high level of enthusiasm for learning, provided them with insights into the world of robotics, showcasing the intersection of education and technology. - 12-22
Weston Robot Hosted Students from Vellore Institute of Technology
Over the weekend, Dr. Zhang presented multiple robotics projects with ~40 undergraduate engineering students from Vellore Institute of Technology lead by Dr. J.N.V. Raghuram. Students were very active to learn more about deploying robotics, especially humanoid robot H1 and our industrial robotics dog B2, in various sectors in their home country. Looking forward to kicking off more collaborations with VIT. - 12-17
Weston Robot Did 2-hour Robotics Workshop with Residents from Fernvale Zone A RN
Students and parents from Fernvale Zone A RN came to Weston Robot to learn cool and real robotics technology. We created opportunities for future super-star robotics engineers to interact with our humanoid robot and industrial robotic dogs. If you dare to learn, we dare to teach you with robots worth more than USD100K 😀. We always believe the best way to teach robotics is to use the real deployed robots so kids can make connections to their daily life. - 08-14
Weston Robot Gave a Robotics Lecture to Students from Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Weston Robot hosted Material Science undergraduates from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, delving into the critical role of innovative materials in shaping robotics. The visit showcased the symbiotic relationship between materials science and robotics, highlighting advancements in materials for enhanced robot capabilities. The students engaged in discussions and practical demonstrations, gaining insights into real-world applications. Weston Robot's commitment to inspiring future innovators and fostering educational collaborations was evident throughout the insightful exchange. - 08-03
Weston Robot Received MBA Students' Visit from IIMV India
Weston Robot engaged with over 110 MBA students from the Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam (IIMV), discussing their expertise in developing and deploying facility management robots. Sharing insights on real-world applications, the session explored how robotics optimizes tasks like cleaning and maintenance. The interactive event showcased Weston Robot's commitment to education, innovation, and technology's transformative potential. - 06-08
Weston Robot Received Students' Visits from Seoul
We spent two fun hours introducing robots used in construction and facility management with two group of students (total 70+) from Seoul, South Korea. Many of them were very keen to become future robotics engineers...surprisingly know that they didn't worry too much about ChatGPT as the robot adoption levels in construction and FM were below 5%. - 04-28
Weston Robot Received Students' Visits from DLUT China
A group of 20+ students and researchers from Dalian University of Technology visited Weston Robot as their oversea immersive trip. Weston Robot presented various robotics and exoskeleton technologies to the students and invited them for hands-on demos. - 07-11
Weston Robot Received Student Visits from University of Wollongong
A group of engineering undergraduates from University of Wollongong, Australia lead by Prof. Li Weihua spent 1 day with engineers from Weston Robot. Dr. Zhang Yanliang from Weston Robot shared with students about how to close the gap between the academic and industry when deploying robots to solve real-time challenges. - 03-06
Weston Robot brings robots to Canadian International School
As part of our social mission - serving the community, Weston Robot brings a fleet of robots to Singapore Canadian International School, as part of their STEAM education program. The students were thrived to see, touch and operate the robots.
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