Weston Robot delivered 4 mobile robots to the Cyber Security Research Centre @ NTU (CYSREN). Those robots will be used for various research topics in the domain of cyber worthiness of autonomous vehicles, autonomous driving, edge computation, and multi-agent optimization research.
Located in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, CYSREN was established to address the considerable cybersecurity challenges through multi-disciplinary research and development around cybersecurity, leveraging NTU’s core competencies in Engineering, Exact Sciences, International Studies, and Business, among others. Robots, especially autonomous mobile robots equipped with multi-vision sensors, point-cloud devices, and other sensors are perfect vehicles for testing and deploying CYSREN's research.
Weston Robot's lightweight and cost-effective UGV SCOUT MINI, for example, is an ideal platform that can fit the team's research. It can operate both indoor and outdoor. With about 20KG payload, which is big enough to equip with different sensors and edge-computers. Weston Robot has made both ROS 1 and ROS 2 interfaces available for the platform, and demonstrated a few applications with NVIDIA Jetson computers (XAVIER and XAVIER NX), for example, people detection, mask checking, and social distance reminding. With multiple SCOUT MINI in hands, researchers from CYSREN can also conduct the research for multi-agent coordination, Master-Salve facility management for Digital Twin, to name a few.
Picture: Researchers from CYSREN installed different peripherals on SCOUT MINI
Besides the light-weight and low-cost SCOUT MINI, Weston Robot also helped researchers from CYSREN to build and assemble industry-use fully outdoor autonomous driving vehicles, such as the Baidu Apollo ackermman-drive research platform equipped with automotive-graded lidar, radar, RTK/GPS, cameras, bumpers and more sensors. Researchers can seamlessly migrate their research on this platform to a passenger car with minimal modifications. Again, with the input from Weston Robot, researchers can focus on their core algorithms developed rather than installing and debugging the hardware issues.
Picture: Weston Robot Assembled a Baidu-Apollo Autonomous Driving Car for CYSREN @ NTU
- 12-25Students and researchers from Singapore Polytechnic developed outdoor delivery robot by collaborating with Weston Robot's engineers team using RTK/GPS navigation. he AMRs are able to collect and deliver items, based on request, from one building to another. They are able to navigate around on their own, avoiding obstacles, and returning to their source if any unexpected situation arises.
- 06-23
Weston Robot Delivered FDA-approved Exoskeletons to Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore
The FDA-approved PHOENIX Medical Exoskeleton is the world's lightest and most advanced exoskeleton designed to help people with mobility disorders to be upright and mobile. In the clinic, at home, and in the workplace Phoenix has successfully enabled many individuals to stand up, walk about, and speak to peers eye-to-eye. - 07-28
Weston Robot Delivered Ackerman-Driven Autonomous Robot to NTU
To develop autonomous driving related algorithms with a real car is very expensive and requiring large spaces and tracks. However, Ackerman-drive robot, which mimics the behaviour of a car is superiors in many aspects. Autonomous driving research team in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, adopts the Ackerman-drive robot from Weston Robot to conduct their advanced research.
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