Recently, Weston Robot deployed a quadruped robot dog at NUS 5G Center for Digital Building Technology. With this integration, researchers from the center can interact the robot dog in the digital twin platform to perform various functions, such as guest reception, patrolling and inspection, with the enabling power of 5G communication.
Picture: Digital-Twin Enabled Robot Dog for Guest Welcoming and Security Patrolling
Over the past few years, we have received many requests about integrating our robots into their digital twin platform. This integration involves both system-level understanding of the robot, e.g., modelling and control, as well as application level, such as video streaming, remote control. We all know that such integration requires reliable bandwidth between the could platform and the field robots. With 5G, the last 1 meter hurtle has been removed, and full integration of robots with digital twins becomes possible.
Picture: AMR/Robot Dog Integrated to Digital Twin Platform
With this integration, Weston Robot shares the robot dog’s position with the digital twin platform almost in real time and can accept various commands from the digital twin platform, such as navigating to a specific area and perform pre-defined actions. The digital twin platform can also expand to receive further data stream, such as videos, GPS and point clouds to perform data analytics.
One of the potential benefits of this integration allows the sharing of surrounding information (a.k.a scene understanding) across multiple platforms, e.g., map sharing between robot dogs, cleaning robots, disinfection robots, garbage collection robots and other platforms, eliminating the needs to do the mapping for individual robots. Conventionally, the mapping and task scheduling of different robots often requires extensive deployment effort.
- 12-25Students and researchers from Singapore Polytechnic developed outdoor delivery robot by collaborating with Weston Robot's engineers team using RTK/GPS navigation. he AMRs are able to collect and deliver items, based on request, from one building to another. They are able to navigate around on their own, avoiding obstacles, and returning to their source if any unexpected situation arises.
- 06-23
Weston Robot Delivered FDA-approved Exoskeletons to Rehabilitation Research Institute of Singapore
The FDA-approved PHOENIX Medical Exoskeleton is the world's lightest and most advanced exoskeleton designed to help people with mobility disorders to be upright and mobile. In the clinic, at home, and in the workplace Phoenix has successfully enabled many individuals to stand up, walk about, and speak to peers eye-to-eye. - 07-28
Weston Robot Delivered Ackerman-Driven Autonomous Robot to NTU
To develop autonomous driving related algorithms with a real car is very expensive and requiring large spaces and tracks. However, Ackerman-drive robot, which mimics the behaviour of a car is superiors in many aspects. Autonomous driving research team in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, adopts the Ackerman-drive robot from Weston Robot to conduct their advanced research.
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